There’s been a lot of speculation around 5G and even conspiracy theories linking it to the covid-19 outbreak and most likely you are here because you want to learn how to get rid of it. There are many 5G protection products that will help you minimize your exposure. But before, let’s bust the myth and all the hype around 5G by simply understanding that 5G is no different than 4G,3G,2G, Wi-Fi, and other wireless technologies.
Let’s begin by explaining that 5G as its name suggests, is the fifth generation of wireless technology. It is supposed to be faster than 2G, 3G and 4G. In order to transfer data ten times faster than its network predecessors, 5G works at a higher wave frequency, which produces a higher amount of electromagnetic frequency radiation. Consequently, we are constantly exposed to increasing levels of EMF from ever-growing levels of wireless applications.
The health risks associated with frequent exposure to EMF are not exclusive to 5G. Therefore we must take action and learn about the different 5G protection products that can reduce EMF pollution from your environment.
How To Survive in a 5G World
At EMF Protection we have been talking about you how to protect yourself from 5G for quite some time. As we have mentioned, EMF radiation is not exclusive to 5G. Findings on scientific studies are also applicable to 4G, 3G, Bluetooth and other forms of wireless communications like the Wi-Fi in your home. So protecting yourself with 5G shielding products is essential to survive in an EMF polluted environment.
If you know how to measure EMF in your environment and understand the complexities of the different electromagnetic frequencies, you’ll know that the effectiveness of an EMF protection product will depend on its attenuation levels. With 5G you need around 35dB of shielding at 40GHz.
While most developed countries currently operate with 4G technology and as wireless devices such as smartphones, tablets, and the internet of things appliances take over our lives, the dependence on faster internet speed has become a priority. This fact makes big technology corporations eager to make a profit and ignore the possible consequences to our health.
Minimise EMF Exposure
If you search on what the most important telecom companies are saying about 5G, you will find that they are trying to placate the public’s health concerns by stating that the EMF emissions from 5G are at recommended safety levels.
However, according to the Scientific American blog, there is peer-reviewed scientific research on the biological and health effects of non-ionising electromagnetic fields (EMF) signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits.
The debate about EMF is on the table, only time and more independent research could determine 5G radiation dangers. In the meantime, it is a good idea to lower the risks by keeping ourselves protected by minimising EMF exposure.
5G Protection Products
At EMF Protection Limited we are outspoken against the dangers of EMFs and the seemingly never-ending ability of people to turn a blind eye against this very modern and very real danger. Therefore we are committed to selling only quality products that have been tested and proven. Below is our list of EMF blocking products that will keep your family safe from 5G radiation.

BlocSilver® EMF Faraday Tent
This portable EMF tent shields against 5G frequencies. It uses the latest version of BlocSilver® EMF shielding fabric for the body and BlocWiFi™ EMF Protection Fabric on the base creating a faraday tent. This EMF blocking tent is lightweight and compact and comes with a carrying case.
BlocSilver® Four-Poster EMF Bed Canopy
The BlocSilver® Four-Poster EMF Bed Canopy comes with an easy-to-assemble frame of your choice: either metal or wood. The BlocSilver® EMF Protection bed canopy shields against 5G with up to 36dB of shielding at 40GHz. Its breathable fabric allows comfortable sleep conditions. The EMF canopy is easy to set up and it does not require hooks or screws. It is perfect for home use but it is also fully portable.
BlocWave® 5G EMF Sleeping Bag
The BlocWave® 5G EMF Sleeping Bag is ideal to create an EMF shielding environment when sleeping away from home. This EMF sleeping bag offers shielding up to 45 dB and conductivity. It will have you asleep in no time, even when facing most 5G scenarios.
BlocWave® FlexiBloc EMF Hoodie
Our BlocWave® FlexiBloc EMF Hoodie protects against Wi-Fi and mobile phone radiation. These EMF hoodies not only will shield EMFs but also look stylish as you have many colour options to choose from. And if you are EMF sensitive, your will experience astonishing health improvements from microwave radiation shielding clothing.
5G Shielding Paint YSHIELD®MAX54
The 5G Shielding Paint YSHIELD® MAX54 offers protection against 5G, Wi-Fi and other wireless signals. This EMF paint is the best all-around EMF protection offered by YSHIELD®. YSHIELD® paints have an almost linear shielding attenuation for a very large frequency range. This frequency range has already been including both 5G frequency spectrums for quite some time: FR1 (600 MHz – 6 GHz) and FR2 (24 GHz – 40 GHz).