Why So Many of Us Are Tired All the Time?
In this modern world, we contend with many demands and stresses that are impressed upon us by everyday life where we time manage to balance work, rest, and play. As a consequence getting enough sleep becomes a difficult task and sleep is vital to recharge our bodies in preparation for the next day.
There is much talk on social media about the subject of sleep disturbance, which would suggest that many of us have issues in that area. Perhaps your slumber is easily disturbed, you spend precious hours tossing and turning, or napping and waking struggling to drop off and switching off mentally. As a consequence, you are always with that feeling of being tired but not sleepy. Ultimately, we wake in the morning not feeling fresh and therefore become heavily reliant on caffeine to get moving and keep going.
The Sleeplessness Epidemic
According to the World Health Organisation, you are likely to be part of the ‘sleep loss epidemic’, with two thirds of adults in developed nations not getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep a night. There has been a global rise in sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea, but also, put simply, those who have the capacity to sleep well just aren’t sleeping enough. In Japan, where the epidemic is at its most absurd, the average time spent asleep is just 6 hours and 22 minutes, with phrases for both falling asleep in public (inemuri) and dying from overworking (karōshi). The UK isn’t far behind, averaging just 6 hours and 49 mins a night, meaning that since a study in 1942 found under 8% of the population was trying to survive on six or less hours, it’s now rocketed to almost one in two of us.

Could EMFs Cause Sleep Disturbance?
What do you believe is responsible for this increase in sleep deprivation? There is much scientific evidence to suggest sleep disturbance is just one of a myriad of symptoms thought to be associated with our exposure to high-frequency radiation or EMF (electromagnetic radiation). EMF broke the tolerance threshold and detrimentally arrived on the scene in the shape of home wireless telephones during the 80’s (usually everyone had an extension in their bedroom next to their bed), then cellular phone networks arrived in the 90’s and cellular now propagates within every urban area in the world with denser and denser layers of data.
Society has become addicted to cell phones, Wi-Fi, DECT, and gaming, none of which have ever been tested for safety but have simply been rolled out without question. These gadgets that we have become attached to and can’t be without might well come at a cost to our health as sleep quality diminishes.
Wireless computer networks permeate our work and school (and in many cases our bedrooms) and with the combination of cellular and wireless networks, our species has reached the tipping point. We are now finding it difficult or impossible to quiet our mind at night and get a good night’s sleep.
The 2012 BioInitiative Report is a report on the relationship between the electromagnetic fields (EMF) associated with powerlines and wireless devices and health. This is what it says:
“Researchers report headaches, concentration difficulties and behavioural problems in children and adolescents; and sleep disturbances, headaches and concentration problems in adults when exposed to EMF from Cell Towers, Wi-Fi routers, DECT phones, smart meters and an ever-growing list of wireless applications”.
You can read the full report here http://www.bioinitiative.org/
How to Prevent EMF Sleep Disturbance
It is still too early to determine just how serious the long-term health effects of EMF exposure are and taking a precautionary approach would seem to be the sensible option.
If you experience sleep deprivation keep away from your bedroom all wireless devices. There are also many benefits to be gleaned from taking EMF readings in your home after switching off all wireless gadgets within your control to minimize exposure and then applying the most appropriate EMF shielding.
Check out our wide range of EMF shielding products at our online store.