What Makes WiFi Radiation in the Home Dangerous to Your Family?
The rise of the internet and smart home devices is leading to an increase in WiFi radiation. How can this radiation affect your family? Here’s an explanation.
Does EMF Shielding Paint Really Work and How?
Many people are concerned about the growing prevalence of electromagnetic fields created by human activity. Scientific studies have found that people are exposed to artificial electromagnetic fields today more than they have been at any point in the history of our species. Of course, a lot of people have spent a lot of time trying […]
Introducing Our New Faraday Tent
After many months of development, we are happy to announce that we have finally achieved the production of our latest faraday cage tent. We listened to what you loved and hated about our BlocSilver® Shielding Tent previous models and accentuated the love and ditched or fixed the hate. This portable faraday tent uses the latest version […]
EMF Blocking Paint
What is EMF Shielding Paint? Anti-radiation paint or EMF blocking paint is our very own BlocPaint™ anti-EMF/WiFi/RF paint, providing you with the best value and highest-quality EMF-shielding paint we can offer. If you are bombarded with wireless networks, this wireless-shielding blocking paint reduces their presence in the environment you apply it – it’s that simple! […]
All You Need to Know About BlocSilver® EMF Shielding Fabric
What Is BlocSilver® EMF Shielding Fabric? BlocSilver® EMF shielding fabric is the bedrock of many of the products that EMF protection limited offers. We brought the first BlocSilver® EMF shielding fabric to market about 5 years ago and we are now marketing our 4th generation of BlocSilver® fabric. Check the shielding report below: Our BlocSilver® EMF shielding […]